VDAD Process | Practices | Why VDAD? (User Stories) | Tools | Background | Glossary
The Value-Driven Analysis and Design (VDAD) process and this repository have been crafted as part of the project «Just Enough Digitalization» at Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (OST). Please contact Stefan Kapferer to get in touch with us.
- Value-Driven Analysis and Design: Applying Domain-Driven Practices in Ethical Software Engineering, Stefan Kapferer, Olaf Zimmermann and Mirko Stocker, EuroPLoP 2024, Paper
- Towards responsible software engineering: combining value-based processes, agile practices, and green metering, Stefan Kapferer, Mirko Stocker and Olaf Zimmermann, IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS 2024), Pre-Print
- IEEE Standard Model Process for Addressing Ethical Concerns during System Design a.k.a. “IEEE 7000 Standard”
- Value-Based Engineering (VBE)
- Ethical Software Engineering (ESE)
- ESE featured in Bringing Ethical Values into Agile Software Development, ETHICOMP 2024, Paper
- Proactive CARE framework:
- Gotterbarn, D., Kirkpatrick M.S., Wolf M.J., “From the Page to Practice: Support for Computing Professionals Using a Code of Ethics”, Proc. of ETHCICOMP 2022 (Proceedings PDF)
- Software Development Impact Statement (SoDIS) process:
- Gotterbarn, D., Rogerson, S., “Responsible Risk Assessment with Software Development: Creating the Software Development Impact Statement”. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 15, 2005 (PDF)
- Consequence Scanning – an agile practice for responsible innovators: https://doteveryone.org.uk/project/consequence-scanning/
- Wohlrab, D., Herrmann, M., Lazik, C., Wyrich, M., Nunes, I., Schneider, K., Gren, L., Heinrich, R.: Supporting value-aware software engineering through traceability and value tactics
to be continued
Please refer to the following page of the ESE repository for the time being: https://github.com/ethical-se/ese-practices/blob/main/ESE-Literature.md.